Heroes (and Villains) Await You

A series of Archie Comics superhero covers: The Fox #1, Bob Phantom #1, Darkling #1, The Jaguar #1, and Kardak the Mystic #1.

The Archie Universe is far more expansive and richer with lore than most casual fans are aware, and this extends beyond the well-known and beloved teenage characters. There are a whole host of superheroes, magical entities, fantasy, and sci-fi characters that date back to the company’s formation in the early…

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New Archie Comics Releases for 11/30/22

It’s a superheroic spectacle as Bob Phantom, Captain Flag, and Inferno the Fire Breather return in today’s new releases! Read on for a look inside the new Archie comics on-sale November 30, 2022:

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New Archie Comics Coming in November 2022

Archie reboots a Golden Age superhero and starts Christmas early in November’s new releases! To pre-order, contact your local comic book shop using the Comic Shop Locator, or directly from the Archie Comics Shop.

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